I was part of two beautiful group shows at Strathmore this year (2024).
Summer 2024, Translation Through Art – curated by Emon Surakitkoson, the show celebrated the artistic voices of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the DMV area. What a powerful group of artists to be part of.
Fall 2024, In the Company of Trees– a stunning show celebrating trees with mixed media work indoors AND outdoors. I was floored by the works in the show, and so honored to be a part of it.
“By positioning itself as an expert partner in international climate efforts, GE gains access to developing economies, thereby propping up a system that pushes these countries deeper into debt and increases their reliance on unsustainable fuels. Activists that focus their attention on oil and gas giants like Shell and ExxonMobil should also put energy equipment companies like GE in their crosshairs—because as long as there are power plants running on fossil fuels, fossil fuel exploration will continue.”
Artist Respond: Post-Roe Louisiana
I was so honored to be part of this very important show organized in the Carroll Gallery of Newcomb Art Department, Tulane University. Enjoy this awkward picture of me, with my two paintings that were part of the show. 😛
A Dream of a Woman by Casey Plett- A review
A review of Casey Plett’s collection short stories for Full-Stop
Micro-Essay published in an anthology
Non-White and Woman: Edited by Darien Hsu Gee and Carla Crujido, Published by Woodhall Press
Em by Kim Thúy- A review
A review of Kim Thúy’s brilliant and brutal book “Em” for Full-Stop
Your Place at the Table II, 311 Gallery– October 2021
The Town Slowly Empties- A review
A review of Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee’s non-fiction book for Full-Stop
Aid for Profit, on Current Affairs
Long-form investigative article about U.S. Foreign Aid on Current Affairs
“Imagine Poor Country X is recovering from a long war and struggling to meet the basic needs of its citizens. Rich Country Y steps up and offers to help X. It’s not just an ethical thing to do, but also a smart political move—it helps stabilize the region and improves relations between X and Y. Sounds good so far. But what if the way in which Rich Country Y helps Poor Country X is by partnering with the world’s most powerful corporations to “develop” the war-torn nation?“
The fact that this government has spent more than double on its publicity than what it has allocated this year for what it calls the ‘world’s largest state funded health insurance scheme’, is a telling evidence of where its priorities lay.